Thanksgiving may really suck!

Like I've heard all my life, when it rains, it pours! We're not doing a lot for Thanksgiving other than fixing a turkey, dressing and the fixings to go with them. More or less just another meal and Wanda's mom will be here. Big wow, huh!! Three people for a Thanksgiving get together. :-)

But anyway...
I woke up this morning with a cold in my chest. Hope it gets no worse be it on a holiday or not.
And now Wanda is getting down in her back. Not a good thing with Thanksgiving on top of us. But it's only Tuesday and we have a couple days to get to feeling better because sure won't feel like cooking if we're hurting and sick.

We'll see, only time will tell...


  1. Awwww bugger hope you both feel better soon Chilly xxxx

  2. Thanks Martha! HUGS!!
    Do you guys there do Thanksgiving??? If so, hope you have a great one!

  3. Hope both you and Wanda are feeling a bit better today mate.

    No we don't have thanksgiving. It's special to the US to celebrate their very first harvest for the very first settlers there, I believe??

    You don't share that holiday with anyone else.


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