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  1. Oh Chilly, I love the way you have this set up now. It's so cheerful and welcoming.

  2. Thanks Sandy!
    Just trying to figure out what's up with the Latest Comments widget. Every time I do most anything, all the comments in the widget disappear.

  3. Yeah, the comments widget, be it the manual one or the gadget one does seem to play up.

  4. Yep! If I leave all alone, it's works fine. But if I play with posts in anyway, it knocks comments out.

    Wish guestbook comments would show up in the widget too.

  5. My guestbook comments show up. But then I am using the google gadget and not the manual one.

  6. hmmm, maybe I'll have to give that a try again.
    My comment widget keeps breaking down for some reason on this blog but not my others.

  7. It broke on mine too. It became such a pain keep trying to get it working again so many times, I gave up.

  8. I'm using the google widget now. Seems to be working better.

    This blog loads so blasted slow! But that may be my computer. Just don't know where to turn anymore building sites. :-(

  9. I have found that all widget made by "Blogger Buster" are broken.

    What are you using now for your Recent Posts and Recent Comments??

  10. Hi Sandy! Those two widgets are the ones Blogspot offers to us to use.

  11. Umm, very strange, when I went to add them to my other blog I am getting a load of gobbledee gook in the gadget.

    I noticed too that when I went to edit the same gadgets that I have on my regular blogger that also wont let me edit or even remove the gadgets.

    Very strange. I don't know where to report it all to blogger.

  12. I reported it and was redirected to the 3rd party that developed those gadgets.

    So I have emailed them.

  13. WOW! Very strange indeed. I don't know what to tell you on that. You just add them and there's nothing you can work on for them, like coding.

    A 3rd party????? What gives with that???

  14. Well, Blogger Buster gadgets aren't actually made by blogger. It's only the very first page on the gadgets that are made by blogger themselves.

    But the saga continues. I haven't yet heard back from Blog Buster, but on my zandranna.blogspot the gadgets from Blogger Buster work fine.

    It's only on my other 2 blogs, one I keep for playing with skins, and the other to practice on the google site with, that aren't working.

    It's very wierd. But also with none of my blogs, (all 3) The Template Designer wont load for me.

    Ok, one of my blogs have the old templates so wouldn't have access to the designer, but 2 of them have the new templates, and I still can't get into the designer.

  15. Your right, I just didn't think about someone else building the addons. Just something made me thing they were all blogger I guess at the time I posted that. Got much in different places on my mind right now and now thinking right sometimes.
    Mostly thinking on this blog. And trying to work out my stupid twitter.

    I'm having no trouble with the Template Designer loading. Just last evening I was in there and it all loaded fine. Not sure what to tell you on the widget. If you can't edit or delete it, maybe you can find it in the coding and take it out that way. Then maybe try reinstalling it for another try.

  16. Yeah, I had thought about going the coding route to remove it. At the moment I am so pissed off with the lack of help from blogger, and I still haven't heard back from Blogger Buster, that I honestly don't feel like bothering with Blogger at all now.


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